Up until this weekend, I have been living the dream. Seeing mum and dad every day, making cakes as much as I can and spending wonderful quality time with my beautiful mum. There are so many pros to me packing in my job and starting my own business. Unfortunately this weekend I found one huge con!
I lost my dearest mum Saturday morning. She had been such a fighter! An inspiration to many, an amazingly strong woman, my best friend! She is going to leave such a huge gap in so many peoples lives. Love you mum x
Well here lies the con! It has to be business as usual. I have had a cake to bake and decorate the past few days and have another two booked in for the next three days. Maybe it's a good thing I have to stay busy! Less time to sit and think. But I don't have the option to just sit and grieve. I feel a little guilty as I am doing something I love to do and it feels as though I've just carried on as normal! I know this isn't the case but it feels like it. Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining, just realising having my own business isn't like working for an employer where you can ask for time off!
I am living at my dads for a while. I can be a help to my dad, cook meals, do the housework, run him around where he needs to go and of course, be a support for him. There's no place I'd rather be right now!
Right......enough of this, gotta go and get some inspiration for the next projects....
Taly ho...